Hi, this week its Andy B. I'm another one of the trustees for UniBrass and also the Treasurer for the charity. I'm the one that's largely blamed for thinking up this scheme, I didn't feel up to doing it alone so dragged the other trustees along with me.
My running experience was basically zero before this challenge. Prior to officially starting I managed to get in a few practice runs so I wasn't starting completely cold turkey. Pre-lockdown I used to go to the gym regularly but the pandemic knocked me out of my routine and I wasn't able to keep anything else up. As well as generating funds for the charity, for me this challenge will help me get fit again!
We've just completed the first 2 weeks and I'm happy with my progress; I've managed to increase my distance well and completed my first 10km run last weekend.
As I write this I've just surpassed the '100km to go' point! I'm aiming to run 3 or 4 times a week and supplement that with a walk here and there. The darker and colder evenings definitely make it harder to motivate myself to get out, although my girlfriend very kindly gives me a motivational kick up the butt when I need it.
The past week one of my calves has started feeling sore. I've tried resting it for a few days but no sign of improvement yet. I will have to take it a bit easier over the next week to let it recover some more.
Our fundraiser has gone really well! We are so happy with the level of support we've received. Not one of us thought we'd hit our target in the first week and we're so grateful for everyone who has donated. We're now aiming for £2000 as our stretch target and we really appreciate anyone who is able to donate.